Genre is a stylistic or thematic category for motion pictures based on similarities either in the narrative elements, aesthetic approach, or the emotional response to the film. A category of artistic composition characterized by there similarities in form, style, or subject matter. For example Horror, Drama, Adventure, and sci-fi are different types of genre. they could cross into each other as well as be in the same movie (This is duel genre) like a sci-fi horror movie but a genre that is sub divided from a larger genre group is called sub-genre. Its smaller and more specific from the genre it branched off from. Sub-genres are important because it helps audiences determine and pinpoint what they want to watch from a smaller pool. For example instead of searching for just drama and have millions to choose from you can search for K (Korean) dramas and have just a few to look through. I personally like the genre fantasy more than anything because between all genres fantasty lets you imagine and use your imagination beyond the screen as well as keep you wondering what will happen as well as connect clues to the past that lets you hypotheses. Its important to film both producers and the audiences so you can get two different views as well as input.
This post is about a poster i made with my former teammate on the genre horror. Horror is a film genre that try's to makes the audience feel fear and/or disgust for entertainment reasons. Horror films often use dark topics and elements to get their points across like monsters, murder, myths, and apocalyptical events that usually tends to excite the target audience. The purpose of making this poster was so we could focus on one genre we plan to make with our movie and we would like to make a horror fantasy film to share both our favorite genres together since we didn't want to pick one between the two. We could of picked from comedy, drama, horror, action, adventure, and sci-fi. Iconography simply refer to the pattern of signs people see and associate with a particular genre. For example when your watching an action movie you will expect to see fighting scenes from the actors/actorness and might see some weapon props like guns and knifes or how in horror you would expect to see jump scares, scary people and/or creatures, and hear screaming from people getting hurt (mentally or physically) and props like weapons.